Series 6400 Project Out
The Series 6400 (PO) casement projection windows are made with dual corner-key construction and engineered for thorough historic review. Boyd engineers conduct AAMA tests to ensure our aluminum casement windows meet an AW-PG100 AAMA rating as well as our own demanding Historic configuration standards. Boyd's unwavering standards make the Series 6400 (PO) perfect for schools, military buildings, government offices, universities, hospitals, and other monumental applications.
Only after our Series 6400 (PO) casement windows pass numerous AAMA tests is Boyd satisfied that the following high-performance features will meet your expectations: a 3.25" main frame depth, a combination of .062" and .125" walls, and your choice of inside- or outside-set glazing—up to 1" thick.
Series 6400 (PO) Specifications
6400 Series Detail Drawings PDF DWG
6400 Series Specifications DOC PDF
Accessories PDF DWG
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