Let’s Do Something Different

Boyd didn't become a respected authority in the aluminum window design and fenestration industry by following some other company's lead. Our engineers and sales representatives prefer to set the pace. What differentiates Boyd from other commercial window manufacturers? Our underlying purpose is to make our customers shine.

Direct Assistance™ Pre-Construction Services

Boyd’s engineers are comfortable working directly with architects, designers, and specifiers when nailing down the details for your project's commercial aluminum windows and doors.

Sometimes a different perspective helps reveal new ways to execute a project. Our complementary Direct Assistance™ program is all about this high-level collaboration and service.

With Direct Assistance™, you'll have one contact who knows you and your project. Your Direct Assistance™ contact is available at your convenience to provide guidance and support like it’s our own project with our own reputation on the line. Whether you’re looking for historical replication, great U-values, or blast resistance, Boyd has the team to help create your vision.

The Direct Assistance™ Pre-Construction Services process provides you with:

  • A fenestration industry professional who takes pride in assisting you with product selection and application

  • Complementary in-house project shop drawings

  • First-class engineering consultation for testing and performance requirements

  • In-house testing facility for specific project configurations

  • Competitively priced Boyd products

Ready to reframe your idea of service and support? 

Click here and tell us about your project vision to get started.

The Boyd Difference

The Boyd difference starts with our aluminum window design. It's evident in our unmatched service and knowledge of each customer's project. It drives our pursuit of truly environmental windows. It demands attention to every detail as we engineer Boyd windows and doors. It fuels every unforgiving Impact, Blast, and AAMA test we conduct. And it keeps us searching for ever-more-innovative solutions for you.

You'll even notice something different—something better—about our window packaging. See, our process protects quality from the aluminum window design stages to the moment Boyd windows arrive safely at your site. Whether you're looking to match existing installations or stand apart, Boyd will deliver the products you need.